Now, for those of you who know me, you know that despite working in high-tech, I am about as technology-behind as anyone. When people talk about high tech, I immediately think about burritos ( I don't gawk over the latest gadgets, and the doohickeys that I do have go largely unused.
It is with that in mind that I want to lend some support to the following gentleman. You see, he went and bought into all the iPhone hoopla, only to be absolutely screwed by high tech. He was sitting there watching a football game one afternoon, I am sure, when he thought to himself, "You know what I need? A beer? Nope, that wouldn't do it. Maybe I will get myself some pizza. Naah. I've got it - a picture of my own genitals on my phone!"
So this poor, innocent guy snaps the photo. Imagine his dismay when his iPhone had a "glitch" and the photo was sent to some random woman. What are the odds?! I realize the sample size is small, but based on this story, I would put them at about 1-in-1.
And this is why, folks, you don't see me toting around an iPhone. You can't trust those damn things.
For the full story, read about his "iPhoney Story".
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