So I figured my next entry would be about something deep. I might opine on the election or maybe the fragile state of the economy. But no, I am moved to write about holes.
This hole, interestingly enough, is the largest hole in the world. It is in Russia. It is actually a diamond mine. Go figure. Another interesting tidbit is that the suction above the hole was powerful enough to cause several helicopter crashes, so they have banned all flight above the hole. If you want to learn more about a giant hole, check out
this site.
But that's enough about that hole. I wanted to write about my holes. Wait, that sounds bad. I wanted to write about our holes. Still not much better, but let's try to stay focused. Moving on.
So Wednesday morning last week, I get a call on my Blackberry. I was in a meeting so I didn't answer it. A few seconds later, my personal cell rings. Uh oh - have to answer it. Stacy was on the other end, a bit frantic as there was water all over the family room, leaking through the ceiling. Yuck. As it turns out, we had a leak in our master bathroom. Yeah, lovely. We bought the house in February, and a few months later, we have our own waterfall. Yay.
So we brought in a plumber yesterday (Saturday), and he fixed the leak (we think). And then he said we should consider getting a water damage person in. So the guy comes in and and says we can rent giant fans and an industrial-grade de-humidifer for the cheap price of $863.00. For that price, how could we say no?
So he wants to drill holes in our ceiling and set up the fans to get air circulating up there to dry it all out. This is the plumber equivalent of blowing on your soup to make it colder. Ok. Drill away, my man. But because our house was originally built in 1910, he needs a piece of paper that says there is no asbestos. But, sir, our house was completely remodeled in 2004. No deal.
Well, the only thing we could do was drill our own holes. So I spent Saturday afternoon putting holes in my own ceiling. It felt wrong. The good news is that I managed to find just about every stud in the ceiling. So instead of ten holes, we have like 146 holes in our ceiling (yes, that is an exaggeration - there is no way there are more than 127 holes).
And before you bring it up, yes, I know you can use stud finders. I don't want to talk about it.