Monday, September 22, 2008

On Loyalty and Sleep

It is certainly true that my loyalty is what makes it possible to stay up late, or work weekends, or even wake up early. I worked most of yesterday, was in the office until after 11pm, and was back in the office (actually in my cube, mind you) by 5:15am.

It occurs to me that loyalty and sleep appear to be mutually exclusive. That is, the more loyal I am, the less sleep I get. Oh to be a backstabbing meanie - I would probably sleep much better without having to wear the mantle of loyalty.

Damn these principles.

By the way, in case you missed it, last Friday was Talk Like a Pirate Day. In honor of that day, I leave you with this:

What is a pirate's worst nightmare?

A sunken chest and no booty.

Why are pirate jokes so dang funny?

I don't know either. They just arrrrrrrr.

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