We fell in love with our new house the first time we saw it. Fortunately, we were able to sell the loft in San Francisco in time to be able to buy our dream home. Walking across the street to the farmer's market is now a Saturday morning ritual. We're still trying out all the restaurants in downtown Pleasanton...we'll share our favorites with you soon.
Chloe's tour of "her" new home!Hi! Welcome to my house. This is my living room. I have to tell you the red couch is super comfy.
This is the view from the front door. Mike and I like to play chase running in circles through the downstairs...hallway to kitchen to dining room. Mike thinks it is super fun, and it's so nice to see him having a good time.
This is the super cool kitchen. I like kitchens because they keep treats here...for those of you who don't know me I REALLY like treats! We spend a lot of time in the family room as well. I think we spend most of our time in this part of the house.

All I can say is having a back yard is really cool.
This is the room I share with Mom and Dad. I even let them sleep on my bed with me...I did tell them they had to buy a king size bed if they wanted to sleep on it with me.
Whew, I'm tired after that tour. Just a reminder we also have a guest room and an "upstairs" TV room / 2nd guest room if you want to come visit us. Don't forget to bring treats!
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