Let me assure you that life is not much different since having tied the knot. There used to be those moments where I was sure that I would be smited down for living in sin with my not-yet-betrothed. There wasn't a moment I walked under a dangling construction thing or drove near some kid with a fin on the back of his Ford Tempo without wondering if this was how God was going to finally get me. I remember thinking, "Please, God, please don't smite."

So there I was. driving back home after the marriage festivities, and I pull of at a red light next to what? Yep. A red Miata. It's go time. I rev my engines, but then realize that God has been pretty good to me lately. I let the Miata go, and off with it, drove the last lingering fears of being smited.
We got home from the half-week long activities, and we promptly decided we wanted to throw a dinner party. Yay. Ravioli was a disaster last time. But we got Kitchen-Aid loot from people, so we were all over that like a fat kid on cake. What did we make? Stacy has to remind me. I think it was leek and potato ravioli with some white sauce that was executed so flawlessly (twice) that we opened a can of Hunt's red.

Stacy was all about uniformity of ravioli. Not me. I wanted lightning bolts, Nike swooshes, and even the letters to my own name. Stacy made a bunch more because she thought mine wouldn't last. Alanis Morissette should sing a song
And as that pasta boiled
Mike's shapes all came out strong.
It turns out the more careful Stacy
Was the one doing it wrong.
Isn't is ironic, dontcha think?
A little too ironic. Yeah, I really do think.

Truth be told, the night was a blast. We had set up a blind tasting test to see how good people were. With our guests (Candace, Aubrey, Mark, Claire, Tom, and Suz), we made each wear a tie around their eyes, and we let them taste bits of 10 random objects. Tom was the big winner. How would you have done? Pretty easy, right? Eyes closed, they had to identify the following:
1. Carrot
2. Raw potato
3. Pinot Noir
4. Pine nuts
5. Pomegranate juice
6. Truffles
7. Cabernet
8. Capers
9. Crab
10. Maple syrup
It isn't as easy as you might think. And the Canadians actually got the syrup wrong (it literally comes from Canada, also known as America's Hat).
In all seriousness though, everyone was a great sport, and it was a lot of fun.

We spent most of the rest of the night chatting and drinking... maybe more drinking. We opened a fantastic bottle of Cab called Longfellow. Seriously, get this bottle. It is fantastic. I would not steer you wrong on this one.
Anyway, there is more to say, but Stacy is sleeping and I need to hit the rack myself. Until later, this is Mike saying "I gots mine! Now you's gots ta go get yours!"